Kimbettylee INACTUSER 2868710694
November 29, 2024, 7:23 PM
Congrats Sooyoung ranked 7th with 214k votes on her birthday 🎉🤗💖
● Stream Unstoppable mv on youtube it has 708k views
● Stream it on spotify too it has 637k streams
● SooYoung's peak is 73k monthly listeners 🎉
● Unstoppable mv reached
* 100k in 1 day
* 200k in 5 days
* 300k in 13 days
* 400k in 19 days
* 500k in 25 days
* 600k in 53 days
* 700k in 103 days
● Unstoppable on spotify
* 100k in 8 days
* 200k in 14 days
* 300k in 23 days
* 400k in 36 days
* 500k in 59 days
* 600k in 96 days
My fave photos of Sooyoung 💖